While the Broncos and the Panthers were playing the biggest football game of the year, almost two dozen of us living in the upper Skagit valley traveled down the Skagit River. In our “paddling crew” included members from the Institute’s 14th and 15th graduate cohorts, North Cascades Institute Staff and students in the Remote Medical International class living at the Environmental Learning Center for a month or so. Here are a few of the best “snapshots” of our adventure down the Skagit from Marblemount to Rockport.
Making sure everything we wear is waterproof before hitting the water.
Our canoes ready for launch!
I was fortunate enough to borrow a kayak from a fellow cohort member. Thanks Tyler!
Annah (left) and Hannah (right) ready to hit the water!
While Bella wanted to go, the last time she was in a boat she flipped it over with excitement. Maybe next time girl!
Joe and Katie leading our water caravan.
It doesn’t matter how long you live in the North Cascades. It never ceases to be beautiful.
From left to right. Mike (cohort 14), Zachary and Ginna (cohort 15), Nate (current RMI student and prospective cohort 16 member), Tyler and Emily (cohort 15).
Passing under the bridge in Marblemount, WA.
A few of the RMI students enjoying the float.
Quick break on shore for naturalizing and snacks.
Joe (cohort 15) identifying flora and fauna in the area.
Annah (cohort 15) was the first to find the swing by the river.
Floating by Cascadian Farm with an artificial log-jam.
Large tree washed down river.
Water proof doesn’t mean water resistant, but the view is still incredible!
Landing in Rockport; our three hour journey complete!
*I originally wrote this article for Chattermarks, the official blog of the North Cascades Institute. You can find all of my posts on Chattermarks here.